Contractors’ All Risks Insurance

This insurance is suitable for construction, machine installation, interior design or renovation. Its coverage includes the ongoing/installing work that is damaged due to fire, natural disasters, accidents, theft, and other causes that are not an exception in the policy.

Property Insurance

Covers damages from fire and natural disasters (such as earthquake, storm, thunder, flood, etc.) In case of a commercial building or a factory, the insurance for Industrial All Risks (IAR) can be arranged, which will add more coverage to damages from accidents

Motor Insurance

Covers damages to the car and liabilities to
third parties. This insurance has 4 types.
– Motor Insurance Class 1
– Motor Insurance Class 2
– Motor Insurance Class 3
– Special Motor Insurance

Professional Indemnity Insurance

This insurance is suitable for professions like doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, designers, foremen, or even insurance brokers. This type of insurance covers liabilities due to negligence or failure of the insured that causes damages to third parties