The person who can give the best answer is the Department of Insurance (which later became the Office of Insurance Commission—OIC). This department supervises, promotes and controls insurance business, including insurance agents and brokers. Its recommendation is documented as:
“Consult a lawyer when making a contract. Consult an agent when buying an insurance policy. Buying a policy means entering into a legal contract. A policy, like a legal contract, should not be bought with carelessness and have any loopholes. One word in one sentence can determine whether the buyer will receive millions of compensation or not. Nothing is more regrettable than buying an insurance policy that has less coverage as intended or does not pay compensation in full. Therefore, a decision to buy which policy, which coverage, which type, with whom, for how much, should not be made solely on your own. There is someone who will do the job for you without charging any more from you, and that someone is the broker, whose professional goal is to maintain the benefit of the buyer.”